Dia 8 de Março – Dia Internacional da Mulher (8 March - Women's Day)

Cangalho, no Zoo de Lagos.
Dia 19 de Março – Dia do Pai (19 March - Father's day)

We invite all fathers to spend a funny day with their families and discover the wildlife in Zoo de Lagos. Fathers that come with a child that pay the entrance, have free entrance. Visit our pet land and play traditional games with your children and feed the domestic animals.
conhecer as cerca de 300 espécies botânicas existentes no Zoo e participar numa
visita guiada ao Zoo de Lagos.
Let's know the about 300 botanical species existing in Zoo the Lagos and you can participate in a guide visit along the Zoo.
During Easter do not miss the opportunity to visit our Zoo and celebrate with your family this time. You will find a special decoration, animation and more than 140 animals' species to know. There will be different activities (face painting, ateliers, games...) and surprises.
De 18 de Março a 7 de Abril – Exposição “Evolução
dos Zoos” (18 March - Exhibition "Zoos Evolution")

Did you know that the first Zoo emerged in ancient Egypt nearly 3500 years ago!? You can discover this and other curiosities at the Exhibition that Zoo de Lagos prepared for you and will be taking place in the Continente of Portimão.